As mentioned in my last entry, I decided to redo Tea Leaf's main room on Pet Society. I often get lazy and only focus on the main room instead of the entire house... I tried to compromise with myself this time and made sure not to use so many items in the main room. Now I can spread the plushie love all over the house!
I don't often redecorate my rooms on Pet Society. For one thing, it's very time consuming for me because I'm such a perfectionist with where every little item goes. Not only that-- a lot of the items I like using are more difficult to get, and I just don't have the patience and coins to buy everything. o_O
When it comes to Pet Society, I'm really picky about what Tea Leaf wears, how she looks, and how her house is arranged, at all all times. Much like everything else that comes to kawaii design and gaming, I'm a perfectionist.
I've been playing Pet Society so much lately. Right now, it's the game to play for me. I got a little bored with Gaia. I know I'll go back to it, but Pet Society is such a nice change of pace.
I worked really hard to get the new Elegant Gown that Tea Leaf is now wearing. That thing was not only expensive, but almost impossible to find as well. Most people that were selling it wanted a crazy amount of items, and I ended up paying a crazy amount of items in the end.
I didn't really have any days to rest this week so today felt really good. Pet Society released a bunch of new items so I'm glad my rest day could coincide with the release.